Misfeasance in Public Office
Australian laws are like fake CV or Résumé references.
Barriers to accessing your rights written into Australia are:
- Finding a police department that recognizes you as a person with legal right to be protected under criminal law.
- Finding a lawyer to represent you against any Australian Government.
- Or in the alternative, getting your self-representing application matter past misfeasant State or Federal court staff to get your original misfeasance claim filed in court.
- Your phone and email address being illegally hacked and illegally censured to isolate you from the rest of the world, by government public officers or political Government's registered political party (PP or PooPa).
- Then if you're really lucky your Judge won't have been bribed to ignore your evidence that proves your case is constitutionally indefensible.
South Australia’s State Government, Labor caucus PP, illegally cancelled my drivers licence in 2018 refusing to reinstate it under any circumstance as a vendetta because I asked their police department in writing to investigate their health department’s medical crimes which are causing me serious harm that is physical. They also refuse to investigate their own medical crimes. No AUSTRALIA based lawyer will represent me against this State government.
These medical crimes have been perpetrated through Australia national Medicare system. That’s more than misfeasance, that’s terrorism and a threat to the Commonwealth.
--> the point of contention about indigenous rights is that indigenous persons & the news industry don't realize (or don't care) that non-indigenous so called "whites" and others, are treated exactly the same as indigenous persons when the PP or PooPa have caucused a decision to commit an offence against any law.
The tort of misfeasance in public office provides a remedy in damages for:
(i) an invalid or unauthorised act; and
(ii) done maliciously; and
(iii) by a public officer; and
(iv) in the purported discharge of his or her public duties; and
(v) which causes loss or harm to the plaintiff.